I finally finished my portrait of Briar's grandparents. How cute are these people? I really hope I did them justice in the portrait.
There really are few things cuter than a.) elderly people who are clearly in love, b.) elderly people wearing jeans or pocket protectors, and c.) elderly people riding bicycles. I couldn't really get bicycles (or jeans, really) into this portrait because I had to be true to the subjects, but lucky me, Briar's grandfather was rocking not one but TWO pocket protectors in the source photo she gave me. Cute squared.
Jeff did some fancy-schmancy selective-focus close-ups. I definitely had the most fun doing the trees, probably because I could chill out, watch my Project Runway, and not worry about whether I was getting the likeness right or putting too much cleavage on Nonna.

You most definitely got the likenesses right. I can't wait to show this to my Nonna and Grandpa!