Harvey woke up to eat not once, not twice, but three times last night/this morning. The only upside, as ever, to this was that I got to see the new episode of Kell on Earth in its entirety. And then I couldn't get back to sleep because once I was able to tell the two Stephanies apart (the short morose blonde is on top of her shit; the tall morose blonde looks like Busy Phillips and is unable to close her mouth completely), I went on to be confused by a number of things.
Like: Okay, many of Kelly Cutrone's employees clearly don't know what the hell they're supposed to be doing, and when you take an employee who doesn't know what the hell she's doing and have her delegate the many things she doesn't know how to do to interns, it's obviously going to be a massive clusterfuck. And so when Kelly blew up at her interns over the fact that they couldn't assemble a simple gift bag, I got it. I mean, it's common sense — you give away a gift bag, it should look nice and not be covered in Sharpie scrawl.
However. After Kelly loses her shit at the interns, there are several scenes of her hanging with the Irish intern and chatting with his mother on the phone, telling her what a great job he's doing, and also talking with Disaster Stephanie. And, I don't know, wouldn't it be a better use of her time, instead of being all Mama Wolf with her employees and interns and buttering up their parents, to actually train them? (Or, if Irish kid was responsible for the horrifying "Fincial District" legend on one of the gift bags, to teach them to spell?)
Also, really, having never worked in fashion PR I know I’m being a little presumptuous, but how difficult is it to ensure that people have RSVPd to your fashion show and keep the seating order sorted? Is it really cause for the Defcon 1 levels of chaos around that office? Or is everything made exponentially worse by the fact that it’s summer in that overpacked office and they can’t use the air conditioning because it interferes with the sound quality and Kelly, for some reason, is alternating her screaming jags with bouts of incense-burning hippie intensity?
Also? The word "jeggings." Second only to "shooties" in fashion lingo that makes me want to wear nothing but mom jeans and beefy Ts for the rest of my life in protest.
I don’t know. But I will say that I love Kelly's assistant Andrew. If you close your eyes and listen to him talk, you could easily mistake him for Santino of Project Runway season 2. I keep expecting him to burst into a round of "Lighten Up, It's Just Fashion!" In fact, I really hope that happens.
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